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Publikace z VVVS - 1993

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Chadzitaskos, G. - Tolar, J.; Feynman Path Integral and Ordering Rules on Discrete Finite Space
International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 1993, 32(4), 517-527. ISSN 0020-7748.; 1993
Ball, J. - Chesny, Ph. - Combet, M. - Fontaine, J.M. - Kunne, R. - Lac, C.D. - Sans, J.L. - Bystricky, J. - Chaumette, P. - Derégel, J. - Lehar, F. - Lemaire, M.C. - de Lesquen, A. - de Mali, M. - Perrot-Kunne, F. - van Rossum, L. - Bach, P. - Demierre, Ph. - Gaillard, G. - Hess, R. - et al.; Total Cross Sections, Elastic Scattering Observables and Direct Reconstruction of Scattering Matrix in np Scattering Between 0.8 and 1.1 GeV at Saturne II
In: 5th Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics. 1993, pp. 255-266.; 1993
Drobný, G. - Jex, I.; Coherent Field Mode Interacting with N Two-level Atoms
In: 4th ESF Conf. 1993,; 1993
Bužek, V. - Drobný, G., - Jex, I.; Signal-pump Entanglement in Quantum-optical Processes
In: 4th ESF Conf. 1993,; 1993
Jex, I.; Long Time Behaviour of the Cavity Field in the Maser Model with Intensity Dependent Coupling Constant
In: 4th EQEC 93 Conf. 1993,; 1993
Bužek, V. - Drobný, G., - Jex, I.; Signal-pump Entanglement in Quantum-optical Processes
In: 16th ICO Congress. 1993,; 1993
Jex, I. - Paul, H.; Long Time Behaviour of the Cavity Field in the Maser Model with Intensity Dependent Coupling Constant
In: Technical Digest of the 4th EQEC 93 Conference. 1993, pp. 749.; 1993
Jex, I. - Paul, H.; Lond Time Behaviour of the Field in a Lossless with Intensity-dependent Coupling Constant
Journal of Modern Optics. 1993, 40 2399. ISSN 0950-0340.; 1993
Jex, I.; Revival Time Estimation in the Process of Down Conversion
Journal of Modern Optics. 1993, 40 1753. ISSN 0950-0340.; 1993
Jex, I. - Matsuoka, M., - Koashi, M.; Phase of the Field in the Interaction with Two Two-level Atoms
Quantum Opt. 1993, 5 275. ISSN 0954-8998.; 1993
Drobný, G. - Jex, I.; The System of N Two-level Atoms Interacting with a Field Mode: Entanglement and Parametric Approximation
Optics Communications. 1993, 102 141. ISSN 0030-4018.; 1993
Jex, I. - Drobný, G.; Two-mode SU(2) Coherent States for K-Photon Down Conversion Process with Quantized Pump
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. 1993, 43 797. ISSN 0011-4626.; 1993
Drobný, G. - Jex, I., - Bužek, V.; Mode Entanglement in Nondegenerate Down Conversion with Quantized Pump
Physical Review. 1993, 48 569.; 1993
Jex, I. - Bužek, V.; Multiphoton Coherent States and the Linear Superposition Principle
Journal of Modern Optics. 1993, 40 771. ISSN 0950-0340.; 1993
Jex, I. - Drobný, G.; Phase Properties and Entanglement of the Field Modes a Two-mode Coupler with Intensity Dependent Coupling
Physical Review. 1993, 47 3251.; 1993
Chábera, T. - Kubašta, J. - Leitner, R. - Lokajíček, M. - Pospíšil, S. - Řídký, J., - Vrba, V.; Analysis of Data from 150um and 300um Pixel Detectors
[Research Report] 1993.; 1993
Ball, J. - Chesny, Ph. - Combet, M. - Fontaine, J.M. - Kunne, R. - Lemaire, M.C. - Sans, J.L. - Bystricky, J. - Lac, C.D. - Lehar, F. - de Lesquen, A. - de Mali, M. - Perrot-Kunne, F. - van Rossum, L. - Bach, P. - Demierre, Ph. - Gaillard, G. - Hess, R. - Janout, Z.F. - Rapin, D. - et al.; Total Cross Sections, Elastic Scattering Observables and Direct Reconstruction of Scattering Matrix in np Scattering Between 0.8 and 1.1 GeV
In: Particles and Nuclei. 13th Int. Conf. Book of Abstracts. Vol. 2. Perugia, 28 June - 2 July 1993. 1993, pp. 487.; 1993
Ball, J. - Chamouard, P.A. - Combet, M. - Fontaine, J.M. - Kunne, R. - Lagniel, J.M. - Lemaire, J.L. - Milleret, G. - Sans, J.L. - Bystricky, J. - Lehar, F. - de Lesquen, A. - de Mali, M. - Demierre, Ph. - Hess, R. - Janout, Z.F. - Rapin, D. - Vuaridel, B. - Barabash, L.S. - Janout, Z. - et al.; Observation of a Narrow Structure in the pp Elastic Scattering at Tkin=2.11 GeV
In: Particles and Nuclei. 13th Int. Conf., Book of Abstracts, Vol. 2. Perugia (Italy),28 June - 2 July. 1993, pp. 455.; 1993
Chadzitaskos, G. - Tolar, J.; Quantum Mechanics on Zm and q-deformed Heisenberg-Weyl Algebras
In: Quantization and Infinite-Dimensional Systems. 1993, pp. 231-235.; 1993
Jech, Č. - Janout, Z. - Koníček, J., - Pospíšil, S.; Current Development of Radon Detection Methods
In: 8th Seminar on Spectroscopic Methods in Environmental Monitoring, Spectroscopic Society of Johanus Marcus Marci. Book of Abstracts. 1993,; 1993
Jech, Č. - Niederle, J., - Pospíšil, S.; Nové možnosti získávání jaderné energie a likvidace jaderného odpadu s využitím urychlovačů
[Research Report] Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta jaderná a fyzikálně inženýrská, 1993.; 1993
Kubašta, J.; Interní zpráva Centre for Analytical Research in the Environment, Imperial College, září 1993
[Research Report] 1993.; 1993
Chábera, T. - Kubašta, J. - Leitner, R. - Lokajíček, M. - Pospíšil, S. - Řídký, J., - Vrba, V.; Analysis of Data from Pixel Detectors Run RD19, 7-12 May, 1993
[Research Report] 1993.; 1993
Sedlák, B. - Štoll, I.; Elektřina a magnetismus
Praha: Karolinum-Academia, 1993.; 1993
Štoll, I.; Doppler Principle - Inspiration of Modern Physics
Acta Polytechnica. 1993, 33(2), 59-64. ISSN 1210-2709.; 1993
Štoll, I.; Život a dílo badatele Dopplera
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie. 1993, 38(5), 260-270. ISSN 0032-2423.; 1993
Dupák, J. - Koníček, J., - Machová, A.; Novel Method of Preparation of Nuclear Orientation Thermometers by Melring
Cryogenics. 1993, 33(10), 1012-1014.; 1993
Štoll, I.; Fyzika mikrosvěta
Praha: Galaxie, 1993.; 1993
Bystrický, J. - Lehar, F. - de Lesquen, A. - Mali, M. - Perrot-Kunne, F. - van Rossum, L. - Bach, P. - Demierre, P. - Gaillard, G. - Hess, R. - Kunne, R. - Rapin, D. - Sormani, P. - Vuaridel, B. - Goudour, J.P. - Binz, R. - Klett, A. - Rossle, E. - Schmitt, H. - Barabash, L.S. - et al.; Angular Dependence of the Spin Correlation Parameter Aoonn in np Elastic Scattering Between 0.8 and 1.1 GeV
Nuclear Physics A. 1993, 599 511-525. ISSN 0375-9474.; 1993
Bystrický, J. - Lehar, F. - de Lesquen, A. - de Mali, M. - Perrot-Kunne, F. - van Rossum, L. - Bach, P. - Demierre, P. - Gaillard, G. - Hess, R. - Kunne, R. - Rapin, D. - Sormani, P. - Vuaridel, B. - Goudour, J.P. - Binz, R. - Klett, A. - Rossle, E. - Schmitt, H. - Barabash, L.S. - et al.; Angular Dependence of the Spin Correlation Parameter Aoonn in np Elastic Scattering between 0.8 and 1.1 GeV
Preprint LNS/Ph/93-07. 1993,; 1993
Ball, J. - Chesny, P. - Combet, M. - Fontaine, J. - Kunne, R. - Lemaire, M.C. - Sans, J. - Bystrický, J. - Lac, C.D. - Lehar, F. - de Lesquen, A. - de Mali, M. - Perrot-Kunne, F. - van Rossum, L. - Bach, P. - Demierre, P. - Gaillard, G. - Hess, R. - Rapin, D. - Sormani, P. - et al.; Angular Dependence if the Beam and Target Analyzing Powers Aoono and Aooon in np Elastic Scattering between 0.477 and 0.940 GeV
Preprint LNS/Ph/93-05. 1993, 1-21.; 1993
Ball, J. - Chesny, Ph. - Combet, M. - Fontaine, J.M. - Lac, C.D. - Lemaire, M.C. - Sans, J.L. - Bystrický, J. - Lehar, F. - de Lesquen, A. - de Mali, M. - Perrot-Kunne, F. - van Rossum, L. - Bach, P. - Demierre, Ph. - Gaillard, G. - Hess, R. - Kunne, R. - Rapin, D. - Sormani, Ph. - et al.; Angular dependence of the spin correlation parameter Aoonn in np elastic scattering between 0.8 and 1.1 GeV
Nuclear Physics A. 1993, A559 511-525. ISSN 0375-9474.; 1993
Ball, J. - Chesny, P. - Combet, M. - Fontaine, J. - Kunne, R. - Lemaire, M.C. - Sans, J. - Bystrický, J. - Lac, C.D. - Lehar, F. - de Lesquen, A. - de Mali, M. - Perrot-Kunne, F. - van Rossum, L. - Bach, P. - Demierre, P. - Gaillard, G. - Hess, R. - Rapin, D. - Sormani, P. - et al.; Angular Dependence of the Beam and Target Analyzing Powers Aoono and Aooon in np Elastic Scattering Between 0.477 and 0.940 GeV
Nuclear Physics A. 1993, A559 477-488. ISSN 0375-9474.; 1993
Pospíšil, S. - Kubašta, J., - Telezhnikov, S.A.; Doppler-broadened Lineshapes Produced at Isotropic Velocity Distributions
In: Proc. of the Eight International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics. Fribourg, 20-24. Sept. 1993,; 1993
Pospíšil, S. - Vobecký, M.; Doppler Broadening as a Suplementary Tool for Analytical Utilization of High Resolution Prompt Gamma-Ray Spetroscopy
In: Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences. Int. Conf. 1993,; 1993
Žáček, F. - Stoeckel, J. - Badalec, J. - Jakubka, K. - Kletečka, P. - Kryška, L. - Kříha, V. - Svoboda, V. - Petržílka, J. - Voitsekhovich, I., - Dhyani, V.; Edge Plasma Experiments on CASTOR Tokamak
In: IPPCZ 33-12. 1993,; 1993
Žáček, F. - Stoeckel, J. - Badalec, J. - Jakubka, K. - Kletečka, P. - Kryška, L. - Kříha, V. - Svoboda, V. - Petržílka, J. - Voitsekhovich, I., - Dhyani, V.; Edge Plasma Experiments on CASTOR Tokamak
In: Proceeding of Join Workshop Use of Atomic Beams of Plasma Experiments. 1993,; 1993
Svoboda, V. - Dhyani, V. - Iyengar, S. - Stoeckel, J., - Kryška, L.; Mapping of the Edge Plasma on the CASTOR Tokamak
In: Proc. of 16th Symp. on Plasma Physics and Technology. 1993, pp. 132.; 1993
Ball, J. - Chesny, P. - Combet, M. - Fontaine, J. - Kunne, R. - Sans, J. - Bystrický, J. - Lac, C.D. - Legrand, D. - Lehar, F. - de Lesquen, A. - de Mali, M. - Perrot-Kunne, F. - van Rossum, L. - Bach, P. - Demierre, P. - Gaillard, G. - Hess, R. - Janout, Z. - Rapin, D. - et al.; Apparatus for the measurement of spin dependent observables in np and pp elastic and quasi-elastic scattering
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1993, A 327 308-318. ISSN 0168-9002.; 1993
Pospíšil, S. - Sopko, B. - Havránková, E. - Janout, Z. - Koníček, J. - Mácha, I., - Pavlů, J.; Si Diode As a Small Detector of Slow Neutrons
Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 1993, 46(2), 115-118. ISSN 0144-8420.; 1993
Pospíšil, S. - Gosman, A. - Hamal, K. - Janout, Z. - Jech, Č. - Koníček, J. - Kubašta, J. - Mácha, I. - Procházka, I. - Řídký, J. - Sopko, B. - Tomiak, Z., - Wilhelm, I.; Semiconductor Detectors for Nuclear Instrumentation
In: Workshop 93. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1993. pp. 103-104.; 1993
Tolar, J. - Havlíček, M. - Šťovíček, P., - Burdík, Č.; Nonlinear Models in Quantum Physics
In: Workshop 93. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 1993, pp. 97-98.; 1993
Doebner, H. - Tolar, J.; Quantum Particle on a Torus in a Magnetic Field
In: Quantization and Coherent States Methods. Proc. of the XIth Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics. 1993, pp. 3-10.; 1993
Doebner, H. - Tolar, J.; Allgemeine Form der Heisenbergschen Vertauschungsrelationen als Ausgangspunkt fuer eine Quantisierung
In: Werner Heisenberg als Physiker und Philosoph in Leipzig. Berlin: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 1993, pp. 202-205.; 1993
Štamberg, K. - Beneš, P. - Vopálka, D., - Loub, L.; Modelování migrace kontaminantů z neutralizačních kalů v odkalištích úpraven uranové rudy
In: 2. mezinárodní konference Hodnocení vlivu hospodářské činnosti na životní prostředí. Sborník přednášek. 2. díl. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, 1993, pp. 147-155.; 1993