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Students of Nuclear and Particle Physics succeeded at the conference in Košice

kosice soutezIn the category "Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics", Matěj Prokop was awarded 2nd place for his project "Robotic rover for localization of ionizing radiation sources" and Vojtěch Honěk took 3rd place with his paper "Fluctuation of particle number in heavy ion collisions". Congratulations! 14th Czech-Slovak Student Scientific Conference in Physics was held on May 2 and 3, 2024 at the Faculty of Science of P. J. Šafárik University in Košice.

"Our participation was appreciated by the organizers and the performances were evaluated very positively. In a very tough competition of excellent contributions, two of our students managed to place on the podium," said doc. Jaroslav Bielčík.

CSVK in Physics is intended for students of Bachelor and Master studies in physics and related disciplines from Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Since the organisation of the competition is traditionally alternated by the MFF UK Prague, UPJS Košice, FJFI CVUT and FMFI UK Bratislava, in 2025 it is an honour to hold this competition at FJFI CVUT. We are looking forward to next year!

Samuel Lukeš received the Award of Minister of Education

lukesSamuel Lukeš, a PhD student at the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Nuclear and Physical Engineering, received the Minister of Education's Award for outstanding student achievements. He received the award at a ceremony at the Senate building on Monday, December 12, 2022.

Samuel Lukes won the award in the MSc programme, where he has demonstrated an outstanding ability to work independently on many related topics ranging from plasma physics, heat conduction, material properties and 3D engineering drawings and challenging simulations. The student's master thesis on Fast swept divertor suppressing transient heat pulses in tokamaks discusses the tokamak as the most promising concept for a thermonuclear reactor that will be used to produce clean, inexhaustible and safe (electrical) energy. The student created a design of three manipulators for the new Czech tokamak COMPASS-Upgrade.

In total, this year eight students, three of whom are studying at CTU, received the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Award directly from the hands of Minister Vladimír Balas. It is awarded to a student or a graduate of a bachelor's, master's or doctoral study programme for outstanding achievements in studies or in scientific, research, development, artistic or other creative activities related to studies. The award is also given for an exceptional act of civic bravery, responsibility or dedication.

Dagmar Bendová received Josef Hlávka award


The prize is awarded to young researchers who have demonstrated extraordinary skills and creative thinking in their fields.

Dagmar has received the prize for her work in high-energy quantum chronodynamics. Her topic is the phenomenon of the parton saturation in deep inelastic scattering of electrons on protons, in production of vector mesons in ultra-peripheral collision at the LHC and predictions of these phenomena for future electron-ion accelerators. 




Double success of Department of Physics at Milan Odehnal Award

Dagmar Bendová was awarded a second prize at Milan Odehnal Award 2022. She was joined by Jakub Cimerman who got an honourable mention. The competition for young scientists up to 30 years of age is organized every two years by Czech Physical Society, the scientific section of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists. The ceremony will take place in Pilsen in July. 

Ing. Dagmar Bendová had a success with her work concerning the saturation of gluon density. For his work on the phenomenology of the quark-gluon plasma, Ing. Jakub Cimerman got an honourable mention. Complete results can be found on the UCMP webpage

Altogether, the competition had 13 participants, each of whom have mostly sent three works. According to jury, the quality of the considered works was extraordinary and the competition was very even. For this reason, besides the four award-winning works, the jury also granted four honourable mentions. 

Success of Karolína Syrokvaš at Czecho-Slovakian Student Science Conference in Physics

Karolina Syrokvas a Aleksaj Gaj LargeA student of the Nuclear and Particle Physics, Bc. Karolína Syrokvaš, won a first price in a Nuclear and sub-nuclear physics cathegory at the Czecho-Slovakian Student Science Conference in Physics. This year, the conference was held at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the Comenius University Bratislava. Karolína successfully presented her work "Systematic uncertainty of mass composition of cosmic rays interpreted from measurements of depth of shower maximum using different Monte Carlo generators" in the finals between 26. - 27. May 2022. 

The dean of the Faculty, doc. Ing. Václav Čuba, Ph.D., personally congratulated Karolína together with other successful students. 

Students of the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering are taking part of this conference traditionally. Since 2014, they placed on the winners' podium every year and four times got a first price.