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Měření luminozity na Electron Ion Collider

  • Vedoucí práce / Supervisor: Jaroslav Adam, Ph.D.
  • Pracoviště / Workplace: KF FJFI
  • Kontakt / Contact: adamjaro@centrum.cz

Název anglicky / Title English: Luminosity measurement at the Electron Ion Collider

Osnova / Outline:

Tasks for the Electron Ion Collider (EIC), now in its design phase include questions on properties of electromagnetic and nuclear forces and on 
internal structure of protons and nuclei [1].

Of utmost importance to most of the EIC measurements is precise knowledge of luminosity delivered by the accelerator to the detector [2].

Main focus of the thesis is contribution to detector simulation studies [3] related to the mechanism for luminosity measurement in participation with dedicated working group within the EIC project, and potential further development of the measurement design.

Plán práce:
Říjen/Listopad: General introduction to the EIC project and detector simulations
Listopad/Prosinec: Introduction to simulation tools, reproduction of several basic results
Prosinec/Leden: Writing down first parts of the thesis, talk at the winter workshop
Únor/Duben: Performing the relevant detector simulations, evaluation and potential development
Duben/Květen: Writing down the thesis

Literatura / reference:

[1] R. Abdul Khalek et al.: Science Requirements and Detector Concepts 
for the Electron-Ion Collider: EIC Yellow Report,
BNL-220990-2021-FORE, arXiv:2103.05419
[2] J. Adam: GETaLM: A generator for electron tagger and luminosity 
monitor for electron - proton and ion collisions,
Comput.Phys.Commun. 272 (2022) 108251, arXiv:2105.10570
[3] C. Grupen, B. Shwartz, Particle detectors, Cambridge University 
Press, 2011