Břehová 7, 11519 Prague
Office: B-14B
Phone: +420-771-276619
E-mail: jan․vysoky@fjfi․cvut․cz

I work as a teaching assistant and a researcher at the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering (FNSPE) of Czech Technical University (CTU). My research interests lie mostly in various areas of differential geometry and its applications in theoretical physics. Currently, I teach graduate courses in Geometrical Methods in Physics and Algebraic Topology. As a strange hobby of sort, I lead excercise sessions of various undergraduate courses (e.g. Mechanics, Waves & optics, Analytical mechanics).
Although I was born in a small town of Police nad Metují in Czech Republic, I grew up in a nearby and even smaller village of Suchý Důl. I attended Broumov Gymnasium (high school), graduating in 2006. In the following summer, I have moved to Prague and enrolled at FNSPE of CTU. I wrote my bachelor thesis on Supersymmetries, Lie superalgebras, Manin supertriples and a master's thesis on Poisson Structures on Lie groups under the supervisory of Ladislav Hlavatý. I have obtained my master's diploma in 2011.
I did my Ph.D. as a part of cotutelle agreement between CTU and Jacobs University of Bremen, Branislav Jurčo and Peter Schupp being my supervisors. I have successfully defended my doctoral thesis on Geometry of Membrane Sigma models in the summer of 2015. My postdoctoral reseach brought me to ANU Mathematical Sciences Institute in Canberra, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn , and Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague.
Curriculum vitae (updated October 2023)