Information about exams

Examination process

The exam takes place in one day and consists of a written (morning) and an oral (afternoon) part. There are a total of three attempts per exam. The exam starts at 9:00 am. To participate in the oral part, you must successfully complete the written part.

Anyone who does not show up for the exam without an excuse will receive an F in KOS.

For more information, see the VOAF team in MS Teams.

Written part

The written part lasts 2 hours and contains 4 exercises (1st for 15 points, 2nd and 3rd for 10 points and 4th for 5 points). It is therefore possible to obtain a total of 40 points, to pass the written part you must obtain at least 20 points. The examples are at the level of examples from exercises. The grading of the written part is as follows: 0-19 = F, 20 = E-, 21-24 = E, 25-28 = D, 29-32 = C, 33-36 = B, 37-40 = A.

Oral part

You will be assigned two topics - one from the "wave part", the other from the electromagnetic part. You have ""unlimited"" time to work on it.

The emphasis is on understanding phenomena and concepts - you have to understand what you write and what actually came out at the end of the derivation. Less emphasis on memorizing technical derivations.

In case of failure in the oral part (or rejection of the grade), the written part must also be repeated.

Final grade

It is the average of the marks from the written part and from each individual topic of the oral part.

Practical advice

Typically, the first terms are half-empty and the end terms are crowded. Terms are not inflatable in capacity.

The oral part can stretch into the late afternoon. So allow yourself enough time. Requests for "priority check-in" will not be taken into account.

A "typical topic" in scripts consists of an introductory presentation of the problem, a more or less technical derivation, and an interpretation and discussion of the results. The most important are the opening and closing "thirds", so if you are "in a hurry" to learn, prioritize them over the "middle" - i.e. by learning technical derivation.

Exam topics

General wave part

Electromagnetic part