Particle Physics

Scope of questions for State exams of Master's degree program

Branch: Nuclear and Particle Physics

Subject: Particle Physics

Subjects regarding the questions:

  • 02KTPA12 Quantum Field Theory 1 and 2
  • 02ZESI Introduction to Theory of Electroweak Interactions
  • 02ZQCD Introduction to Quantum Chromodynamics

1. Particles and interactions in the Standard model
elementary particles, their properties and description; fundamental interactions, their properties and description, intermediate particles; symmetries and conservation laws in the Standard model 

2. Nuclear beta-decay
energetic spectrum of electrons and limit energy; Fermi theory; generalized transitions SVATP; different values of coupling constant; parity violation; L a R projectors; Dirac equation for massless neutrino 

3. Electroweak unification
general V-A interaction; V-A theory problems and unitarity boundary; extension of the theory by W boson; elmag. Interaction of W bosons; calibration symmetry; SU(2)xU(1) symmetry; EW isospin; hypercharge; Weinberg angle and unification condition
4. Higgs mechanism
residual divergence and the need for scalar boson; Goldstone model; abelian Higgs model; Higgs mechanism for SU(2)xU(1) theory; interaction of Higgs boson; lepton mass generation using Yukawa mechanism
5. GWS model of EW interactions
classification of particles in doublets and singlets; lepton sector of the Standard model; problems of the Standardmodel with 3 quarks; fourth quark and GIM construction; CKM matrix; terms in the Lagrangian and Feynman diagrams 
6. Quark model
SU(3) flavor symmetry, construction and calculation with multiplets, hadron spectra; Isospin, hypercharge and Gell-Mann–Nishijima formula; wave function of pions and nucleons, spin part; quark model predictions, magnetic moment of baryons
7. Deep inelastic scattering and parton model
proton structure and the deep inelastic scattering, Calan-Gross relation, structure functions, Bjorken scaling; parton model, infinite momentum frame, parton distribution functions, evolution equations; factorization, fragmentation functions
8. QCD and parton model
QCD lagrangian, differences between QCD and QED, color and colored SU(3), Fierz identity; Feynman diagrams in QCD, main processes in QCD; running coupling constant; basics of the lattice QCD
9. Production of hadrons and jets, lepton production in QCD
description of the Drell-Yan pairs production and the direct photon production; jet production, 2- and 3-jets events, jet reconstruction algorithms; hadron production in lepton scattering; particle production in QGP 
10. Discoveries of elementary particles and important experiments
quarks and lepton discoveries, gluon discovery, intermediate particles discovery; measurement of the coupling constants; deep inelastic scattering and measuring PDFs; measurements leading to the existence of the color; Higgs boson discovery; C, P, CP violation discovery